The covid-19 pandemic is sinking all the government and private projects for a review. One such recent move by the Gatwick Airport affected the £180m Pier 6 Expansion project, which was put on hold for a capital investment review. The operator confirmed that it will be halted until 2022.
Besides, Bechtel was assigned to deliver the £180m scheme. The project also includes an extra eight A321 compatible gates. However the runway rehabilitation and the airfield programme planned taxiway were completed due to reduced operational activity and ahead of schedule.
Currently the resilience of the runway operation of the runway under rapid exit taxiway design is put on hold. This design is actually aimed to improve on-time performance.
On the other hand, Gatwick has worked successfully to bring in Airport’s financial contribution with Network Rail and the other funding bodies. Also, the construction of the rail station expansion is in continuation.