Boris Johnson will address the ambitious Project Speed plan on 30 June (Tuesday). This move will create a positive impact on infrastructure projects and restructure the economy. The Prime Minister of the UK will unveil a new taskforce that would be headed by Chancellor Rishi Sunak.
The new plan of infrastructure includes modernization of hospitals, schools, road and rail infrastructure. The programme constitutes monitoring the Conservative infrastructure election pledge and getting projects finished well in advance as the investment flow of £250bn happens.
In detail, the plan comprises 40 upgraded and new hospitals, a better school modernization, four new prisons costing £2.4bn, and green lighting fast delivery of the £25bn roads programme. Also, a Northern Power Rail project is expected to take place with £40bn expenditure.
Boris Johnson might set out the example of Nightingale Hospitals that were delivered by contractors. This is to warn that there should be no excuse for allowing building plans to get delayed in planning.