Home Commercial News CITB levy consultation opens today

CITB levy consultation opens today

CITB levy consultation opens today

An initial consultation on levy proposals from Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) runs from 1st March to 11th April 2021. This process is being postponed due to COVID pandemic in 2020. There’s an official statement with confirmation on going ahead this year.

The official consensus exercise will take place from 14th June to Sunday 15th August, once feedback on the draft levy proposals has been gathered. The legislation that allows the CITB to impose a levy on the industry requires that it undertakes wide consultation every three years.

This move is to see whether the construction industry is happy to continue putting money into a collective pot, whether there is still a consensus in support of the CITB. In the past, the CITB carried out industry training; these days it just administers the money.

The process started and questionnaires went out last year but then came lockdown and necessary follow-up interviews were cancelled. Also, emergency powers were invoked and the secretary of state renewed the levy order regardless. The triennial consensus was due in 2020.


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