Home Public sector news Birmingham News Engie and Equitix secures Birmingham student housing deal

Engie and Equitix secures Birmingham student housing deal

Engie to start Rugeley redevelopment works

Engie and Equitix combine to secure a £200m contract with the University of Birmingham. This allows the expansion of student accommodation provision with a long-term deal, while renewing the Pritchatts Park student accommodation village.

The scheme is set to provide 496 new student rooms and an accompanying 482-space multi-storey car park.  The 734 existing rooms will be refurbished, additionally. Building work is set to begin in the summer, with completion expected in August 2023.

Engie will provide facilities management services for 50 years, providing ongoing repairs, security and cleaning. However, the £200m contract value is £75m higher than the £125m value advertised to prospective bidders in the contract notice last year.

Glancy Nicholls has designed the new accommodation plan to complement existing buildings in the area.  The overall scheme will be powered and heated by electricity from renewable sources. The refurbished building will be heated by air source heat pumps.

The arrangement follows similar developments for Kingston University and University of Leicester. Engie and the University of Birmingham are taking minority stakes while Equitix holds the majority owner position in the Pritchatts Park joint venture.


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