Home Property news Teesworks hotel and shops plan revealed

Teesworks hotel and shops plan revealed

Plan for Teesworks hotel and shopping complex

It is being built to accommodate the thousands of construction workers who will be coming to Teesworks as major projects get underway in the coming years. A 4,500-square-foot convenience store, a family pub/eatery, and two restaurants will also be part of the new services in Lackenby, which is close to the trunk road. The Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council will get outline proposals created by Corstorphine & Wright in the upcoming weeks.

According to Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen, many more jobs will be generated through Net Zero Teesside and other exciting green energy initiatives. “Jobs are being created here and now on large projects like SeAH Wind’s offshore wind monopile complex,” he added. To satisfy the need for all the work we have going on, we are already building roads and essential infrastructure; Teesworks Service Complex is only another step in this direction. Through shops and restaurants, this will benefit the thousands of new employees coming to Teesworks while also giving the adjacent communities of Grangetown and Teesville a much-needed boost.

“Getting this planning in place early will help us to produce a successful and sustainable development,” continued Matt Johnson, director of development at Tees works. Strong interest has already been shown, and we plan to move conversations along in the coming weeks, pending planning approval.


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