Home Commercial News GRAHAM picked for contract at Nine Elms

GRAHAM picked for contract at Nine Elms

Graham started the Blackpool Houndshill centre extension works

South Bank Colleges have shortlisted GRAHAM to build the new London South Bank Technical College at Nine Elms. This college that comes into the location of Vauxhall, London was procured via Pagabo’s £10 billion Major Works Framework.

This contract of construction in 10,000 sq m will help further education teaching facility as its purpose-designed and will provide ten storeys of teaching, learning and support space for technology, science, engineering, maths, and arts.

The building architecture is taken over by PLB to create a distinctive identity while the building will feature a strong façade. This will allow the completion of brick work and curtain walling at lower levels.

The ground and first floors will accommodate a two-storey section in the inner part of construction.  This will also feature the main entrance and informal teaching space, with a café and large workshops for construction training.  The above eight storeys will sit on a narrower teaching floor plate.

The project has been designed to create a low-carbon campus that can be sustainably managed and maintained for longevity. It is also expected to achieve a BREEAM Excellent rating. Construction has started early 2021.


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