Hammersmith Bridge in London has been witnessing cracks and it was nearly 18 months since it got closed. The government has formed a task force to work on patching the Hammersmith Bridge and reopening for use.
Baroness Vere, who’s the transport minister, leads the task force to get the repair works done for the bridge. Initially it’s the cyclists and pedestrians who start using it after its repair, and later the return of motor traffic will be enabled.
Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham said it could not afford to save the bridge from threatened collapse. Later an own engineering advice by The Department for Transport was commissioned on the status of the bridge.
This 133-year-old cast iron bridge was set with the estimated costs for repair have been soaring steadily as engineers built a picture of the extent of repair needed. With a cost of £27m, Transport for London is investigating building a temporary structure for pedestrians and cyclists.